Friday Workshop Dec.13

When I think of yarn, it reminds me of the mittens I used to knit by hand when I was younger.They didn’t turn out very well, though.But strangely enough, I still have some leftover yarn at home.Back when I came to Japan, shops like Yuzawaya were really popular, and even though I couldn’t knit much, I felt like buying all kinds of things. I guess that’s why I ended up keeping them.


I eat one egg every day.When I used to prepare lunch boxes for my children, I would make various dishes like rolled omelets. However, now that I’m focusing on healthier cooking methods without using oil, I’ve decided that boiled eggs are the best option. That’s why I eat a boiled egg every day.


I looked into Tiritiri Matangi Island, which we talked about the other day.It seems that there’s one ferry per day from Auckland, and it takes about an hour to get to the island.I read that it’s a sanctuary, so touching anything is prohibited.I’ve heard that the birds are incredibly friendly because there are no predators, which sounds amazing.I’d really love to visit!It seems you even need to clean the soles of your shoes to enter the island to protect the species.

The visa is valid until 2026, so there’s no need to rush.Previously, only a passport was required, but last year I paid about 5,000 yen to get a two-year visa.It’s called an NZeTA.Things have really changed!


I don’t eat plain white rice very often. I usually eat mixed-grain rice.To prevent it from getting dry, I mix it with half glutinous rice.After cooking, I freeze it and eat it over the course of about a week.I have it for lunch every day, but I try to avoid eating rice for breakfast or dinner.

In the morning, I eat bread or frozen sweet potatoes that I’ve prepared ahead of time.Sweet potatoes are fluffy, moist, and so delicious.For dinner, I often heat up frozen udon and top it with other side dishes. I really keep things simple and quick.

I try to include protein-rich foods in my diet and am mindful of my health.


I remember when my kids were little, we brought home goldfish from a goldfish scooping game at a festival, and they grew really big.The goldfish tank also got pretty large, and cleaning it became a hassle.Their waste smelled bad, so my husband was the one who always cleaned it.Looking back now, I realize how hard it must have been for him.


一緒に英語を使ってみましょう!! #日常を英語で言ってみる Speak to Begin, Begin to Grow.