東野圭吾の「分身」読んだぁ〜 ほんとは、司馬遼太郎、斎藤道三と並行して読むつもりだったんだけど、やはりミステリーは先が知りたいのでやめられない。旅行中に道三(一)の続きを読むことにする。元々東野圭吾にハマったのは「ブルータスの心臓」だったので、東野さんのテクノロジー的なものは引き込まれる。まだ紙の地図、電話番号案内の時代のものだけど、「え?」とは思ってもストーリーへののめり込み方には遜色ない。これだけips細胞の研究も進んできているのだから、「分身」が発表された頃よりまた違った角度からミステリー作品も生まれそうだ。
I just finished reading Keigo Higashino’s *Bunshin*! Originally, I had planned to read it in parallel with Shiba Ryotaro’s *Saito Dosan*, but mysteries always make me want to know what happens next, so I couldn’t stop. I’ll continue with *Dosan (Part One)* during the trip.
My fascination with Keigo Higashino began with *Brutus no Shinzou*, and I’m always drawn to his works involving technology. Although *Brutus no Shinzou* is set in an era of paper maps and telephone directories, even if there are moments where I think “really?”, it doesn’t diminish how gripping the stories are. With advancements in iPS cell research, I feel like new mystery works could emerge from perspectives that weren’t possible when *Bunshin* was first published.
I’m also curious about Higashino’s more “comedic” works. Judging from reviews, they don’t seem to have the same acclaim as the signature Higashino masterpieces, but as a fan, I feel like I should read them too.