Private Sessionのほんの少しをシェア

I'll share just a little bit about what I did on Thursday.

**5:36: Y

So then the first question for you is, can you please describe your personality?

**7:03: S

I dunno about myself much. But, um, I was quiet. I was a little at an elementary school student, so, but I like to take care of some classmates.

**8:42: S

I had an interview. My teacher said, you are great. I was quiet, but I was brave.


I try to be positive nowadays.

**18:22: Y

Next question for you is, do you have a shave ice machine?


No, I haven't, but I want to have one.

**22:08: Y

If you had to choose one of these three professions, which one would you choose and why? Announcer, actor, politician.


I never choose actor. Politician is a hard job. I don't like to be paid attention.


I love manga. When I was little, I liked it.

**43:16: Y

Amazon will start offering the service Amazon pharmacy in Japan on Tuesday.


Maybe. No. I hardly ever have any disease.


一緒に英語を使ってみましょう!! #日常を英語で言ってみる Speak to Begin, Begin to Grow.