
Wed. Script for blog. 807 2024

**F**: There's a big summer festival happening in the park in front of your place.

And you were affected by the vibrations from the taiko drum sounds. Even after the festival ended, you still hear the drum sounds, right?

**P1**: Yeah, yeah.

**F**: That's really bad. I see. But it's just part of the summer season, I guess.

**F**: Okay, let's move on. Describe a memorable smell that brings back a strong memory for you.

**P2**: For me, I have a strong memory of the smell of soup stock. It was really strong, but it always reminds me of the Noodle restaurant next to our house.

**F**: I remember that too. It was a very strong smell, not bad though. How about you? Describe a memorable smell.

**P2**: My sense of smell is very weak. But in Korea, there are many strong smells.

**F**: There are various types of smells and flavors in Korea Town. Some are like festivals.

**P1**: Yeah.

**F**: And every time fireworks are launched, you can smell them. It reminds you of summer. You went to Nagaoka to see the fireworks display, right?

**F**: I understand. Even the smell of Japanese sparkler reminds me of my childhood.

**P1**: Okay.

**F**: How do you usually take care of your health, especially during seasonal changes?

**P1**: It's hard for me to answer this question. Every year I try to adapt, but my body doesn't adjust well. In summer, I sweat a lot, but in autumn, the sweating stops, and it's hard for me to adjust to the change.

**F**: So, as you get older, you find it harder to sense the change of seasons?

**P1**: Yeah. Winter is the worst season for me.

**F**: I see. You sweat a lot in summer, but stop in autumn. And you struggle with weather-related diseases due to high humidity and temperature changes.

**P1**: Yes, cold fronts make it worse.

**F**: Got it. Next question, what’s a traditional remedy or practice from your culture that you find effective?

**P2**: My father had a heavy headache and always used a specific remedy.

**F**: That’s interesting. It reminds me of how I use herbal remedies.

**F**: If you had to explain the concept of "Hana no Hi" to someone unfamiliar with it, how would you describe it?

**P2**: August 7th is "Hana no Hi" because "Hachi" (eight) and "Nana" (seven) combine to form "Hana," which means NOSE.

**F**: It’s a word play in Japanese. Eight is "Hachi," and seven is "Nana," together they make "Hana," meaning flower or nose.

**F**: Recently, my beautician lost her sense of smell due to COVID-19, which makes cooking less enjoyable for her.

**F**: That’s tough. Next, can you share a personal achievement from this past year and explain why it’s meaningful to you?

**P2**: My personal achievement is trying something new in English, even though it felt weird.

**F**: That’s a great achievement. You started a new event;東海道53次walking every month and enjoy it.

**P2**: Yes, once a month.

**F**: What’s one goal you have for the next six months and what steps are you taking to achieve it?

**P1**: I want to improve my English by watching videos and dramas.

**F**: That’s a wonderful goal. How about you, P2?

**P2**: I don’t have specific hobbies, but I want to travel to new places.

**F**: That’s nice. Lastly, is there a tradition or custom from your culture that you find particularly meaningful?

**P2**: In Korean culture, meals are centered around kimchi, which is different from Japanese meals that respect natural ingredients.

**F**: That’s interesting. What’s something new you learned recently and how do you think it will benefit you in the future?

**P1**: I started a new piano lesson in a closer area with shorter sessions. My daughter suggested I continue with private lessons.

**F**: That’s great. Who is someone that has inspired you in your life and how have they influenced you?

**P2**: Dr. Hinohara is the most influential figure in my life. He contributed a lot to children and people around him.

**F**: That’s wonderful. Can you describe a memorable travel experience and why it left a lasting impression on you?

**P1**: Visiting Switzerland during spring was memorable for the beautiful snow and mountain views.

**F**: Sounds amazing. Lastly, for what hobby or interest are you passionate about and how did you get started with it?

**P2**: I love traveling and exploring new places, even though it’s been challenging lately.

**F**: That’s wonderful. Enjoy your day!


一緒に英語を使ってみましょう!! #日常を英語で言ってみる Speak to Begin, Begin to Grow.