お弁当 (8月から)




小なすの漬物をドンと載せた時には、夫は急遽現場に向かうことになり、なんと、オフィスの若い写真が食べてくれたそうでびっくり。 「美味しゅうございました」と言ってくれたそうで良かった。まぁ、「まずかった」とは言えないわな。

<<Lunchbox Diary from the Second Week of August>>

There were no lunchboxes from the 13th to the 17th.

Starting from the week of the 19th, I think we switched to brown rice.

One time, I casually placed a small serving of pickled baby eggplant on top of the rice. Unexpectedly, my husband had to head out to a job site, and to my surprise, one of the young staff members at his office ended up eating it! And that young staff member said, 'It was delicious.'Well, he couldn't exactly say 'It tasted bad,' could he?


一緒に英語を使ってみましょう!! #日常を英語で言ってみる Speak to Begin, Begin to Grow.