水曜日ワークショップ a bit of transcript

やっちまった〜 😩


1. **Has the sudden warm weather after Daikan affected how you dress when going out?**

- Unfortunately, I was hospitalized recently, so I haven’t been going out. However, I returned home yesterday, and the house was chilly, so I’ve been wearing Uniqlo's HeatTech Ultra Warm shirts.

2. **Do you eat fish bones or fish heads, as January 20th is “Bone New Year”?**

- I used the leftovers from New Year’s dishes to make a soup with yellowtail heads. I even used my homemade miso, as it's said that making miso on Daikan is ideal due to the lower bacteria levels.

3. **Have you ever struggled with taking ID photos?**

- Nowadays, ID photo booths are so advanced that they quickly provide great photos. They’re especially useful when applying for exams like Eiken Grade 1.

4. **What comes to mind when you think of the Satsuma and Choshu domains?**

- I think of Saigo Takamori and Okubo Toshimichi and the fascinating stories of their era.

5. **Have you noticed that it’s been getting darker a little later since yesterday?**

- Yes, I notice every morning that it gets brighter about a minute earlier each day.

6. **In today’s turbulent world, what concerns you the most?**

- I’m concerned about what executive orders Trump has started to issue since his inauguration on January 20th. It could greatly influence the global situation.

7. **What’s the most troublesome thing about moving or changing health insurance?**

- I haven’t experienced much trouble. When I moved to my current condo after winning a lottery for it, I was thrilled. The management company even called to congratulate me, which was a memorable moment.

8. **What’s the most convenient feature of using the My Number Card?**

- It’s convenient to have prescription information recorded, but I’m also wary of the potential risks of personal information leaks.

9. **Do you like coffee jelly?**

- I actually prefer milk kanten (milk agar dessert).

10. **Did you watch the “Kohaku Uta Gassen” on New Year’s Eve?**

- Yes, I loved Superfly’s performance. I even listened to their songs before bed while I was hospitalized.

11. **Did you know that the subject of “Information” has been added to the National Center Test for University Admissions?**

- Yes, I think it’s great, as programming and information literacy are essential in today’s world. I’m also glad it didn’t snow this year.

12. **If you could visit one historical location in Japan, where would it be and why?**

- I’d like to visit Aizuwakamatsu after watching a TV show about Yae Niijima.



一緒に英語を使ってみましょう!! #日常を英語で言ってみる Speak to Begin, Begin to Grow.