
I'm a huge fan of Higashino, but this was the first time I found one of his novels so easy to critique.

Even though I had just read *Back Then, We Were Fools*, I couldn't help but feel a strong sense of betrayal with this one.

*Back Then* was an essay, so it still worked in its own way, but this is a collection of short stories.

Honestly, I read through it feeling quite disappointed. I kept thinking, "Is this really the same Keigo Higashino? Is this okay?"

That said, *Incense for an Old Man* struck a chord with me—maybe because I’m older myself. It was poignant. I read that one in a single sitting.

But then! There’s Higashino’s *Afterword* at the end of the book! That afterword was even more interesting than the stories. I found myself nodding along, thinking, “Exactly, exactly!” as I breezed through it. I even wondered if starting with the afterword would’ve made the book more enjoyable overall.

After that, I read Yuichi Shinpo’s *Commentary*. It totally clicked for me.

The commentary explained that around 1993, writers like Higashino often faced a challenging period in their careers, which made perfect sense.

Thinking of this collection as a product of those struggles, I could understand the reasoning behind *The Super Raccoon Dog Theory*. But *The Stalker Granny*? Personally, that one’s a hard pass. That story could alienate my entire generation!

Still, despite my various complaints, the *Afterword* and *Commentary* made it all worthwhile in the end.






でも、最後に、東野さんの「あとがき」があるじゃないですか!! この「あとがき」は、小説より面白かった。「そうでしょうとも、そうでしょうとも!」と心の中で言いながら一気に読みました。最初に「あとがき」から読んだ方が面白かったかなぁ、なんて思う。

「あとがき」の後の 真保裕一さんの「解説」を読んで、やっぱりねぇ、と同意。





一緒に英語を使ってみましょう!! #日常を英語で言ってみる Speak to Begin, Begin to Grow.