Highlights from Friday Workshop
Clothing Habits: Discussion about purchasing clothes and leaving tags on them without wearing them.
Lifestyle Preferences: Topics included meal planning, snack times, and experiences with lighting preferences (fluorescent vs. LED).
Travel Experiences: Both participants shared views on travel preparations and reasons why they are not frequent travelers.
Food and Cooking: They discussed favorite dishes, like curry and its preparation time, as well as desserts like cakes and parfaits.
Entertainment: The conversation touched on preferences for re-watching movies, with mentions of "Pretty Woman," "Notting Hill," and Julia Roberts' films.
Music and Events: Attendance at concerts, including hopes for foreign artists performing at Blue Note, and reflections on venue preferences.
Stationery and Notebooks: The participants discussed their love for stationery, with mentions of Muji and other brands, and memories of stationery shops in Ginza.
Cultural and Personal Preferences: Additional insights included planting flowers, engaging with acquaintances, and adapting daily habits with age.
服の習慣: 衣服を購入し、着用せずにタグをつけたままき着てないものがあることについて
ライフスタイルの好み: 食事の計画、おやつの時間、照明の好み(蛍光灯とLED)
旅行経験: 旅行慣れしているか否か。旅行の準備や、について
食事と料理: カレーのような好きな料理とその準備時間、ケーキやパフェのようなデザートについて
娯楽: プリティ・ウーマン」、「ノッティング・ヒル」、ジュリア・ロバーツ監督作品を繰り返し鑑賞した
音楽とイベント: ブルーノートでの海外アーティストのコンサートに期待したり、会場の好みを振り返ったり。
文房具とノート 無印良品など文房具への愛着や、銀座の文房具店での思い出
文化的・個人的嗜好: 花を植えること、知人との付き合い方、年齢とともに変化する生活習慣など。