
Today, I Made Rice Bread

I've been making rice bread for about two years now. I used to bake regular bread in a home bakery machine, but since it wasn’t gluten-free compatible, I had to go through a lot of trial and error to get to where I am today.

Lately, I haven’t been failing as much, but my bread always felt like it was *almost* there but not quite. Honestly, I often found myself thinking that the *yukone* bread from the local supermarket was better.

But today, I made rice bread in a frying pan, and it might just be better than the store-bought *yukone* bread!

Sharing these little moments in English has become part of my daily routine—it’s my *lifework*, in a way. In my workshop, "英語を使ってみる Basho," we practice speaking English *without a script.*

But I’ve noticed that this approach doesn’t always sit well with Japanese learners who grew up with the traditional *Showa-style* English education. Even though I know for a fact that this method helps build real skills!

Honestly, instead of reading *how-to* books, practicing casual conversations and discussing everyday topics in English is far more effective. But many people shy away from it, which I find a bit disappointing.

I’m not looking for people who are already fluent. This workshop is for those who want to become comfortable making small talk in English. Still, so many people say, *"I don’t think I can do it."*

Simply reading a script or writing a journal and then reading it aloud doesn’t really help with natural conversation.

So if you’re even a little bit curious, why not give it a try? Come join us—I’d love to have you!










どんな *how-to* 本を読むよりも、日常会話や身近な話題について英語で話す練習をしたほうが、はるかに効果的。にもかかわらず、苦手意識を持つ人が多いのが残念だ。





でも、もし「そんなに言うなら、ちょっと試してみようかな」と思ったなら、ぜひ気軽に遊びに来てほしい。(ちょっと成瀬っぽい 笑)


一緒に英語を使ってみましょう!! #日常を英語で言ってみる Speak to Begin, Begin to Grow.