Fail Forward: やっちまった → 復習
I did it again.... sob
I was so embarrassed the day before yesterday.
However, 失敗から何かを学んで成長して前へ進もう。
Learn something from failure, grow, and move forward.
My given topic: If you could be reincarnated as anything other than a human being, what would you want to be?
My idea:
I would be reincarnated as a cat or a dog. Because I love cats and dogs. But this time, I would say, I would like to be a cat. I used to have cats for about 20 years. I insisted I understood cats language. I could talk by eyes, too. That’s why I got a potential gift to communicate with cats. With that skill, I would be born as a cat in this world. I could be an interpreter between human language and meow language. I might be interviewed by mass media as the very first interpreter cat in the world. The article of ‘NYA the cat’ would be meme on the internet. However, I am sure I would be a very humble and nice cat even if I became a celebrity cat.