Brand-New Podcaster
(English follows Japanese)
Toastmasters Club のLevel4の課題にPodcastの作成というのがあるんです。
何が大変って、写真は、アルファチャンネルが入ったものや3000x3000以下だとアップロードできないとか、オーディオはmp3形式じゃないとダメとか・・・ふ〜 半日その変換方法を入手するのに時間がかかってしまいました。mp4~mp3は、昔、iPod使っていたときは、よく変換してたけど、iTunesの画面が変わったりして、もぅヘトヘトじゃ。
For the Level 4 project of ' Pathways 'at Toastmasters Club, we have to create a podcast.
So today, I gave it a go and uploaded a TEST version.
The tough part? You can't upload images with an alpha channel. You need images that are 3000x3000 and they have to be square. Phew, I spent half the day just trying to figure out how to get everything right. Back in the day, when I used an iPod, I converted mp4 to mp3 files all the time, but now that iTunes has changed its interface, it's utterly exhausting.
My voice sounds a bit different on the workshop video compared to my iPhone recordings. Could be my pollen allergy adding a lovely 😅 hoarse quality to it.
Well, even though the test version has gone live in this state, I wonder, what next?
I mean, progressing with the project along with my peers is the plan, but...