なんとなく不安感:Vague Disquiet
「#真相をお話しします」 を読んだ。この気持ちのモヤモヤ感はなんだろう。なんとも言えぬちょっと辛い気分だ。私はこのタイプのミステリー小説は、苦手なのだろう。「惨者面談」は構成が面白いと思ったけど、全てのストーリーが命を粗末に扱い過ぎている気がする。人それぞれの読み取り方があるからこれはこれで面白いのだろうけれど。
After reading *The Truth Will Be Told*, I can't shake off this vague feeling of unease. It's a bit of a painful emotion that I can't quite describe. Maybe I'm not good with this type of mystery novel. I thought the structure of *Sansha Mendan* was interesting, but I feel like all the stories treat life too lightly. Of course, everyone interprets things differently, so perhaps this is what makes it interesting in its own way.